David Ogunshola – The Innovation Catalyst

All posts by David Ogunshola

  • August 21, 2017 0 Comments

      The desire to live a significant life and leave a mark in history is one that almost every man desires; however, not everyone gets to live this dream. It often ends up like a futile race of chasing...

  • August 20, 2017 0 Comments

    Did they ever tell you that there was “no reason to worry”? Then someone has told you a lie. There will always be a reason to worry. Just like there will always be reason to lie, to steal or...

  • I sat behind the taxi as the driver raced from the city of Port Harcourt heading for the airport. I wasn’t even sure I was going to catch my flight to Lagos that afternoon. I had just finished teaching...

  • Preamble We know that what Jesus came to do on earth was not to start a religion but to establish a Kingdom, basically a new pattern of living, with different sets of values and allegiance to a different authority....

  • February 2, 2017 0 Comments

    Recently, I was visiting with a friend in a city in North-Eastern Nigeria, and he was telling me of his experiences at work. He works for the state government and was seconded to an internationally funded project from his...

  • October 1, 2016 0 Comments

    Many times I would drive into a fast food to buy a plate of food, and the piece of chicken on the plate alone would cost as much as N700. I would still buy it, eat and finish it...

  • ​I love it whenever I do this.  I stopped to buy boli (roasted plantain) on the streets of Lagos. You can’t beat the experience of hot fresh boli on a rainy evening. I pointed at the boli of my...

  • August 21, 2016 0 Comments

      Yes, those three elements: Eloquence, Logic and Spiritual Passion, combined were said to have made St. Augustine of Hippo one of the most significant thinkers of Church history. Of course you can’t flaw that man, except you never...

  • January 1, 2016 0 Comments

    This evening, I sat looking at the family picture of a dear friend. We go a few years back together, back on campus I knew him to be quite influential in his own little circle. He had some music...

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