David Ogunshola – The Innovation Catalyst

Who is Yet To Hear?Understanding where the Gospel is yet to reach to in today’s world

I hear a lot of people make statements like “the Gospel has been preached all over the world”, and I wonder where they get their facts and figures from. The truth is that a sizable number of of people are yet to hear of the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus. This short paper attempts to answer that question, and also highlight where and how many are the people who are yet to hear. It also includes personal experiences with people who have never heard of the Gospel. It’s 5 pages long and available for download in PDF. Date Written: August 2017 Download PDF here: Who Is Yet To Hear – by David Ogunshola ——– Evangelizing Muslims In Christian-Majority Areas: Challenges And Opportunities In Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria The purpose of this study was primarily to understand the attitudes and practices of Christians regarding evangelizing Muslims and to provide suggestions, tools and solutions based on the findings that will lead to increase in Muslim evangelism. In the course of this research, I set out to do the following:
  1. To assess the level of knowledge of Islam among Christians
  2. To assess the level of evangelistic engagements with Muslims among Christians
  3. To find out the factors that prevent Christians from evangelizing Muslims
  4. To discover factors that could encourage Christians to evangelize Muslims
This research was carried out in 2015 among Christians living in Uyo Akwa Ibom State. Download the full copy here