David Ogunshola – The Innovation Catalyst

Tag Archives: Relevance

  • What is my purpose on earth? Why am I here? What was I born or created to do? Is my life making any sense? Is this the right step for me to take now? If you have found yourself...

  • I remember a story my father used to tell to illustrate a life of purpose. A man bought two chickens, fed them and took care of them. His goal was that by Christmas that year, they would be grown...

  • August 21, 2016 0 Comments

      Yes, those three elements: Eloquence, Logic and Spiritual Passion, combined were said to have made St. Augustine of Hippo one of the most significant thinkers of Church history. Of course you can’t flaw that man, except you never...

  • January 1, 2016 0 Comments

    This evening, I sat looking at the family picture of a dear friend. We go a few years back together, back on campus I knew him to be quite influential in his own little circle. He had some music...

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