David Ogunshola – The Innovation Catalyst

Something more than chicken burgers…

October 26, 2014 0 Comments
I happened to be at my wife’s office at lunchtime recently and we both decided to have lunch at this cool restaurant close to her office. Great meal it was by the way! We ordered dishes we don’t come by very easily. 45 minutes down the line, it was time to pay and I remember saying to myself “ah ah, na wetin we chop sef?” The bill was just something else. Unnecessarily high. Well, I painfully acted the man and pretended as though it was chicken change. Weeks later, we were having dinner at home when I attempted to make a comparison between the value of the entire dinner at home and what we ate for lunch at this restaurant not too long ago. I realized that the value of one meal at the restaurant could give us nearly three complete dinners. And then it hit me! I remembered this young missionary couple I once lived with for a few weeks and thought of how much they spent on an average meal. That our magnanimous casual lunch bill will buy enough food to feed this small family for two days. I’m not joking, and they are really modest in their living. My thoughts travelled far. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not attempting to take you on a guilt trip here, I was just trying to find a position to stand where I would feel comfortable that every Naira I was spending was achieving it’s optimal impact. I didn’t want to deprive myself or my family of the basic comfort that they deserve, yet, I wouldn’t want to be wastefully extravagant, ignoring more valuable and eternal ways to invest my resources. Come to think of it, if we truly are all stewards of our resources, then it suggests to me that we will all someday account for how we spent the monies entrusted to our hands by God. Forget about the argument I would want to raise that it was my hard earned money, would I be justified to say to God that I didn’t know any better ways to spend these monies so I lavished it all on myself? How would I justify all I spend on movies, fast foods, avoidable utilities, luxury travels and contemporary fashion? These are not in themselves evil or bad, but I don’t just desire the ‘not bad’, I desire the best. Where can I send the extra Nairas I save from those lunches that they could be more meaningfully used—especially for Gods Kingdom.

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