David Ogunshola – The Innovation Catalyst

Tag Archives: Purpose

  • What is my purpose on earth? Why am I here? What was I born or created to do? Is my life making any sense? Is this the right step for me to take now? If you have found yourself...

  • I remember a story my father used to tell to illustrate a life of purpose. A man bought two chickens, fed them and took care of them. His goal was that by Christmas that year, they would be grown...

  • August 21, 2017 0 Comments

      The desire to live a significant life and leave a mark in history is one that almost every man desires; however, not everyone gets to live this dream. It often ends up like a futile race of chasing...

  • January 1, 2016 0 Comments

    This evening, I sat looking at the family picture of a dear friend. We go a few years back together, back on campus I knew him to be quite influential in his own little circle. He had some music...

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