David Ogunshola – The Innovation Catalyst

My latest thoughts

Maybe we needed to be slowed down.

This evening while playing badminton with my wife at home, we sat on the balcony and watched others play, as we talked, she reminded me that this was the third day in a row we have played. Very unusual. But

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Why leaders fall (when they get to the top)

We have been made to believe that leadership skill is everything, and so the moment young people begin to aspire or rise to leadership responsibility, there is a heavy emphasis on developing the right set of leadership skills. This explains

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Why you don’t get blessed for sowing seeds in Church

With the massive increase in Christian ministers constantly asking for seeds and special offerings after preaching (something very popular of Nigerian preachers), I will show you why giving those offerings and special seeds will not guarantee your blessings, upliftment or

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