When I look back at all I’ve left behind, I’d be a fool to give up now. When I consider all I’ve laid on the alter, I cannot bear to cross the bridge behind. At times my heart gets...
David Ogunshola – The Innovation Catalyst
When I look back at all I’ve left behind, I’d be a fool to give up now. When I consider all I’ve laid on the alter, I cannot bear to cross the bridge behind. At times my heart gets...
In the end, we are all like computers. Same hardware, but what determines the functionality of our hardware is the isoftware that drives us from within. Everybody began with the same Operating System, but somewhere along the line, some...
Everyman is like a timeline, having a start point and an end point. The difference between your life and the movie is that you don’t play by a pre-rehearsed script. You write your scripts as you move on in...