David Ogunshola – The Innovation Catalyst

Maybe we needed to be slowed down.

March 22, 2020 1 Comment
This evening while playing badminton with my wife at home, we sat on the balcony and watched others play, as we talked, she reminded me that this was the third day in a row we have played. Very unusual. But she loved it. The typical us are always busy – and what keeps us busy always? Work! Work for us varies from managing our businesses, speaking at events, counseling people, attending meetings or other ministry assignments, but the fact remains that we were always busy. My wife reminded me that if not for the global shut down on travels, I wasn’t even going to be at home this weekend. She was right. In the past week, I have declined participation in two out of town meetings and cancelled all international travels coming up in the next one month. I was even scheduled to have been out of the country from  yesterday for a week. But here we are, nobody is even thinking of going anywhere. Work has either been shut down or turned remote, all travel plans have been shelved and all unnecessary movements have been halted. Now we have time to play badminton every evening – something we really love. How did we even get ourselves here? I just realized that my journals have become very inconsistent. I cannot remember when last I sat down to write something that didn’t have to do with a presentation or speaking engagement. I have tried to be consistent with my reading, but I just realized that several of the amazing thoughts I have had in the past few months have vaporized because I did not write them. Yeeee! What have I done to myself? Earlier in the year, two things were on my year plan – to write a book and to start a video blog series. These were things that were important to me. I was clear of the needs God wanted me to meet through these two new expressions, but here we are, March is almost over, and I have busy jumping from one meeting to the other, from city to city, sending passports around for visas. What am I even looking for self? In the end, it’s not all the waka-waka that counts, it’s what you sit your butt down to do. It’s time spent with family, raising your children and connecting with your real friends, these are the things that fill our buckets, but most of us rather prioritize the things that empty and drain our buckets. More shocking is that fact that the book idea was even carried over from last year, yet not a finger has been lifted on that project. What a shame. It’s just 3 days since we became conscious of this shut down and decided to stay home. In 2 days plenty sense is already coming back to us. What’s going to happen to us after one week, or three, or five? It looks like in every chaos there are more blessings than we can see. I am now looking forward to staying at home because it seems somehow, we needed this shut down. We needed a reason to not go anywhere. Maybe we even needed a reason to remember to pray for the world and to check on our friends in different parts of the world. I pray that God brings healing to the world in the midst of this corona virus pandemic, and ultimately, may He do more work in us this period that we have not allowed Him to do all along because we were too busy for Him doing what we though was important, yet ignoring the real important things of life.

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